American Boat imports to New Zealand & Australia

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Most older model vessels will have the original electronics fitted which may in some instances be outdated. If this is the case or you wish to add or upgrade, it is definitely worth it to do so whilst your new vessel is waiting to be shipped. Generally the electronics market in the USA will have the latest gear well before NZ, and more importantly at huge savings compared with home prices!
Our Marine Electronics Solutions engineers can fit out and supply anything you require at the best prices around!

Fishfinders & Echo sounders, Transducers.
Latest Chirp technology

There is a huge selection of Fish finders available to suit every budget. We specialize in fitting the very latest technology to your new vessel prior to shipping. Our guys on site know your model boats intimately and know where to fit display units, Transducers, and associated cabling etc which can be time consuming and expensive in NZ as the systems on most vessels are complicated and the guys here in NZ will not be used to running cables up Tuna towers and behind hidden panels etc, so it makes sense to fit everything you want in the USA. We specialize in the very latest Garmin, Furuno and Raymarine technology. Ask for a quote!
Transducers can be fitted through hull with new flush mount Airmar transducers that do not require fairing blocks like the old days, reduce drag, and increase speed. There are also internal fitting transducer systems available with no through hull fixing. Any through hull fitting will require a lift out into boatyard and associated costs.

​Stand alone or
New small vessel radar technology just gets better every year, how things have changed from the old style CRT single monochrome displays to current full color touch screen technology. Most USA boats have a decent brand radar fitted as standard when the boat was built, but many of the older style CRT monitors have a limited lifespan. However a new radar plus scanner/ open array can be an expensive replacement / addition even in the states, but in many instances you may only have to update the display unit, which our engineers may be able to pair with the existing
scanner/ open array unit ( Depending on make, model, condition)
Radars and accessories are still on average 50% cheaper at present in the USA.

GPS Stand alone systems with plotters
Touchscreen & 3D

Again there are many different specification GPS units available. They all basically do the same principal function, give you an accurate GPS ( global positioning satellite system) position for navigating your vessel safely from A to B.
Most basic GPS units have a form of track plotter / map system built in and there is a choice of different display sizes from 4 inch monochrome up to 16 inch full color touchscreen models available. What ever your preference on make and model, we can supply and fit at excellent prices.
Garmin, Furuno and Raymarine, a full range available at great prices!
Most existing modern GPS Plotter units fitted to your vessel will be compatible for a New Zealand Chart function, but some of the older model, charts / chips are no longer available, so it pays to check the model with us for further info.

Networking GPS Plotters and control displays

Full color Network ready displays are the latest addition to the market place with large full color touch screen control for the operator. Via either Nmea or other network interface cables and modules, it is possible to have multiple functions with just one display unit combining Fish finder / echo sounder, radar, GPS and Plotter all in one monitor display at once, plus with some you can also have extra items fitted such as cameras in engine rooms etc which will all be visible on one screen.
The big three manufacturers all have this capability, but we do happen to like the new Garmin gear, but thats just our personal preference.