American Boat imports to New Zealand & Australia

USA INSURANCE- The facts to protect your investment!
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It is imperative that you protect not only your new investment/vessel, but also your self with our exclusive Fully Comprehensive insurance cover.
Once a purchase deal for any vessel is closed, your new boat becomes uninsured . The previous owners policy becomes void as they no longer legally own the vessel, so you are not covered!
It is impossible for you to get insurance cover in the USA for your boat.
We are the only company importing boats ex Florida that has a special policy which covers you for absolutely every aspect as follows:
1. Delivery insurance for your boat from its location to Port for shipping. Depending on the boats location, it can take anything from 1-5 days to get your boat from A to B, and during that period, anything could happen!
Weather conditions can be severe certain times of the year especially during Hurricane season, so if you wish to be fully covered , then we are the only secure option available. Even if the delivery skipper should slip and for instance , break his wrist, HE CAN SUE YOU FOR DAMAGES! so insurance cover is so necessary to protect you and your boat.
2. All US marinas will not allow berthing or storage of any vessel that does not have fully comprehensive insurance and the compulsory 3rd party cover for all of the above reasons.
3. Adverse weather conditions, storms, Hurricanes, fire can cause damage if your boat is not properly covered or stored in a storm proof location such as ours at Palm Beach.
4. Fully comprehensive Marine Cargo insurance to cover your boat from Loading on ship to unloading in Auckland / NZ Port and delivery to your marina berth in New Zealand.
This comprehensive policy is standard issue with any vessel purchased through Marine Imports Limited in the USA for export to New Zealand.